All The Wrong Reasons
Chapter 12

Chapter 12

Michelle sat on her the bed in her hotel room. She was so confused, how could her life be so messed up? She had just lost the biggest love of her life and she couldnt even talk about it with anyone, she had to go on like everything was fine. She had another week on tour with the guys, she couldnt cope seeing, hearing, speaking to him and all the time just wanting to be held in his warm arms. Michelle lay down and curled herself up into a little ball and drenched the pillow with bitter tears. There was a soft tap on her door, she sat up and wiped at her wet cheeks.

"Come in" she called meekly.

"Hey" Amy said cautiously.


"Im sorry about before, I didnt mean to be so bitchy."

"Its alright, I wasnt exactly an angel myself." Michelle said.

"Are you, OK?"

"No not really." Michelle replied, "I feel pretty rotten actually."

Amy hung her head sorrowfully.

"Have you come to a decision yet?" Amy asked.

"I don't suppose there is any chance you could just not tell John?"

"Michelle, by doing that I risk losing my job and Im not prepared to do that, not even for you."

"I understand" Michelle said, driven with love she made a sudden, spur of the moment decision, "Tell John!"


"You did what?" Nick asked shocked.

"I told her to tell John, I dont care about my stupid career anymore, as long as I have you its all Ill ever need."

"But.........." Nick stuttered

"No Nick, this is not your decision to make, unless you really dont wanna be with me you cant stop me doing what my heart tells me to."

"Michelle I want to be with you, you know I do but........"

"There we have it then." Michelle said blissfully, "There's nothing stopping us being together."

"No I guess there isnt." Nick smiled at Michelle, but he was worried, very worried indeed, he loved Michelle far too much to let her do this, not for him. He wanted to be with Michelle more than anything in the world, but he also wanted her to be happy and he knew giving up her dream would be the biggest mistake of her life. Nick had to do something about this, although it killed him to do so, and fast, before it was too late...............................


Chapter 01 | Chapter 02 | Chapter 03 | Chapter 04 | Chapter 05 | Chapter 06 | Chapter 07 | Chapter 08 | Chapter 09 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16

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