All The Wrong Reasons
Chapter 06

Chapter 6

# Listen I mean it theres nothing that hes worthy of, hes just another playa (playa), playin in the name of love, Ive seen enough now this must come to an end, get another...#

"NICK! Boomed the voice of Fatima Robinson interrupting the music, What is up with you, youre messing up even more than usual, CONCENTRATE!"

Nick sighed and put all his efforts into trying to think of the choreography rather than Michelle.

"Right from the second chorus 5, 6, 7, 8"

# Listen I mean it theres nothing that hes worthy...#

"NICK!!!!! All right guys I give up take five and Nick sort yourself out"

Oh great, Nick thought; now Kevin was going to have a go at him. He walked over to his bag and pulled out a bottle of water, which he took a hefty gulp from. When he turned around Brian was there.

"Hey Rok whats up?" Asked Nick trying to sound casual

"Im worried bout ya Nick, youve been acting real strange recently. Is there something the matter?"

"No Im fine" Nick lied.

"Are you sure? You know you can always talk to me, right?"

"Im sure, Im just feeling a bit stressed you know, that time of the month" Nick joked, "thanks anyway"

Brian smiled, obviously satisfied with the answer. Nick hated lying to him, but he didnt want to say anything, as he wasnt sure that hed ever see Michelle again she had just walked off on him, with no real explanation, it seemed rather odd to Nick.

"Nick get it right, AJ do as your told, Brian stop goofing around, Howie put more energy into it, blah, blah, blah!" Came the mocking voice of AJ

Nick looked round to see AJ standing in the middle of the studio with a black wig on his head. He was lucky Fatima wasnt in the room, she wouldve murdered him.

"What about Kevin?" Nick shouted back, laughing.

"Oh Kevins Mr Perfect he never screws up" AJ said sarcastically, "he is the king of getting it right, the emperor of all the right moves, the supreme ruler of never being wrong. The day Kevin makes a mistake, the earth will open up and demons will emerge, preying on innocent lives, the day Kevin gets it wrong the whole world will end. Aint that right Kev?"

Kevin shot AJ a look as Howie, Brian and Nick rolled around laughing, those guys always knew how to cheer Nick up and make him smile.

As he felt better after AJs humorous banter, Nick found it easier to concentrate on the job at hand and didnt mess up, satisfying both Fatima and an already pissed off Kevin. Feeling confidant and fed up of wondering what was going on, Nick decided to call Michelle. He felt butterflys creep into his stomach as he dialled her cell phone number. It was ringing, once, twice, three times....

"Hello?" Came the familiar voice

"Hi, Michelle?" Nick said his voice almost a whisper.

"Yep-who is it?"

"Its er...its Nick"


"Michelle?" Nick said worriedly

"Yeah, sorry. Hi Nick how are you?"

"Im fine thanks, you?" He said relieved

"Im good."

Shes not very talkative, Nick thought, maybe shes regretting the other night.

"I was jus ringin cos I was jus kinda wondering if you wanted to go out sometime..."

"Er...I dunno if thats a good idea Nick." Michelle said

Nick felt he had been kicked in the stomach. Theres a reason I find it hard to ask girls out, now I know what it is, Nick thought, rejection!

"Why, I...I thought you liked me" Nick asked in a hurt voice

"I do Nick" Michelle said, "I really do, its just...I cant explain it now"

"Well come out with me, then" Nick said, somewhat daringly for him, "explain it to me then."

"...OK." Michelle said finally, "where and when?"

Nick heaved a huge sigh of relief, he told Michelle the details and after saying goodbye, hung up. He was glad Michelle had agreed to see him again but why was she so reluctant to go out with him?


Chapter 01 | Chapter 02 | Chapter 03 | Chapter 04 | Chapter 05 | Chapter 06 | Chapter 07 | Chapter 08 | Chapter 09 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16

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